just art
"Since the 60's, I've experimented with composing on the piano. A dear friend, Bill Russo, then teaching here at Columbia College, orchestrated a few of my pieces which, last year, another friend, Jamie Caesar, inventively added to a video tracking 70 years of my self-portraits. Why so many? I throw nothing out. And given that I'm fascinated by faces, mine is handy to study. At one point, it seemed that I'd disappeared into my "heads" project, becoming one among many... all of which, being studies of inner states, are self-portraits as well, in a way. And as inner states of mind captured my imagination more and more, I found myself examining my own psyche as ruthlessly as those of the invented ones in my sketchbooks. As for the music, hearing my music orchestrated, by Russo and also by Jason Seed, was an exhilarating experience for me." –Art Paul
White Sox
Because it just has to be mentioned!

Because don't all designers collect them?

Family + Friends